How and when to switch payroll software

How and when to switch payroll software

Payroll software is meant to simplify your life. If your payroll process is not achieving that, it might be time to review what your payroll needs are, what you have in comparison, and what you could perhaps improve. Often changing software can achieve a...
10 key things HR managers need to do

10 key things HR managers need to do

The payroll process ensures that employees are paid correctly and on time while taking into account the hours worked, paid leave, and any holidays or main calendar events. The UAE Labor Law implies that it’s the companies responsibility to ensure that the payroll is...
The easy way to switch payroll providers

The easy way to switch payroll providers

If you don’t get payroll right, your company can face crippling difficulties. The point of outsourcing payroll is to save time and money, and reduce your stress. But what if your payroll provider no longer ticks all the boxes? You switch. However, that means endless...
UAE Labour Law

UAE Labour Law

The UAE labour law is for people working in the private sector of The United Arab Emirates. It was originally set out by the Ministry of Labour in 1980 under Federal Law No. 8. If you have a company or employees in the UAE, it is imperative that you understand the...